author = {Tom Botterill and Richard Green and Steven Mills},
title = {A decision-theoretic formulation for sparse stereo correspondence problems},
booktitle = {In Proc. 3DV},
year = {2014},
abstract = {Stereo reconstruction is challenging in scenes with many similar-looking objects, as matches between features are often ambiguous. Features matched incorrectly lead to an incorrect 3D reconstruction, whereas if correct matches are missed, the reconstruction will be incomplete. Previous systems for selecting a correspondence (set of matched features) select either a maximum likelihood correspondence, which may contain many incorrect matches, or use some heuristic for discarding ambiguous matches. In this paper we propose a new method for selecting a correspondence: we select the correspondence which minimises an expected loss function. Match probabilities are computed by Gibbs sampling, then the minimum expected loss correspondence is selected based on these probabilities. A parameter of the loss function controls the tradeoff between selecting incorrect matches versus missing correct matches. The proposed correspondence selection method is evaluated in a model-based framework for reconstructing branching plants, and on simulated data. In both cases it outperforms alternative approaches in terms of precision and recall, giving more complete and accurate 3D models. }