South Island Gallery / Whitewater / 2005-07 Paddling in India  

 010 Paddling with locals on the Ganges
 020 Ben in Rishikesh
 025 Pilgrim in Rishikesh
 030 Ben on the Nandakini
 035 Snow Leopard staff and us
 036 Tom on Nandakini
 037 Ben on Nadakini
 040 Locals by the Beas
 045 Baralacha La
 046 Tom and Tom on Tanglangla
 047 Tanglangla
 050 Baralacha La -- on the way to Leh
 060 Stopping to be altitude sick on the way to Leh
 070 Tanglangla on the way to Leh
 080 The army watching us put on the Indus at Upshi
 090 Indus near Leh
 100 Dan on Indus near Leh
 105 Monastary above Leh (we did cultural stuff as well, really)
 120 We need a permit to go any further down the Indus
 125 The horses wouldn't take the boats--we had to carry them ourselves
 126 Tom B and Chalab trying to trek in the the Khurna
 127 River crossing
 128 We got this far--the Khurna comes from the left of the hill in the background
 130 Trekking up the Zanskar to the Khurna
 140 Chalab
 150 Road sign
 155 Dan says goodbye to his new friend
 160 On the Upper Indus
 165 River Left on the Upper Indus
 170 Monks on the upper Indus
 180 Getting on the empty truck that had stopped to watch us run the last rapid on the upper Indus
 190 Stu on the Dras
 200 Tom on the upper Dras
 210 Tim on the Upper Dras
 220 Stu on the Upper Dras
 225 Constriction on the upper Dras
 226 Hugh in the gorge below the constriction
 230 Putting on the Dras river at Dras
 233 Stu, Dan and Tim portaging on the Dras
 235 Tom and Chalab below the portage
 236 Stu on the Dras
 237 Buddah statue at Mumbak
 240 Dan trekking above Leh
 250 Prayer flags above Leh
 260 The army on the move
 270 Dan scree-running in sandals
 280 Packing for the Tsarap
 290 Putting on the Tsarap at Sarchu
 295 Camping at the Zara Chu confluence
 300 The Tsarap
 310 Dan on the Tsarap
 315 Climbing up to Phunktal monastary
 320 Phunktal monastary
 330 Leaving Phunktal monastary
 340 The infamous Reru falls portage--all 50m of it
 350 Stu running the bottom of Reru falls
 360 The other grade 5 on the Tsarap
 370 A school trip camping near the Zanskar
 380 The Zanskar Gorge
 390 The Zanskar Gorge
 400 The Zanskar Gorge
 405 Ben doing a cheesy popout on the Zanskar
 406 Campsite in the Zanskar Gorge
 410 Andy on the Indus
 420 Ben about to roll by a HUGE hole on the lower Indus
 430 Ben doing a pop-out on the Indus

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